Truck Nox Sensor Nitrogen Oxide Sensor 22219283 5WK9 6717B for VOLVO

NOX SENSOR 22219283 5WK9 6717B

NOx sensor 22219283 5WK9 6717B details:

High Quality / 100% tested

Part number:22219283 5WK9 6717B

Voltage: 24V

Product describe: The NOx sensor consists of a ceramic sensor element and an electronic control unit and is used for catalyst management in vehicles with gasoline or diesel engines.


A ceramic sensor made of zirconia electrolyte measures in amperometric operation.

The oxygen concentration entering from exhaust gas through a diffusion barrier into a first cavity.

The oxygen concentration inside the cavity control to the constant concentration of a few ppm NOx.

Other components of the exhaust gas also entering the cavity as HC, CO
and H2 oxidiz at the pumping electrode made of Pt.

Details Product Picture:

Truck Nox Sensor Nitrogen Oxide Sensor 22219283 5WK9 6717B for VOLVO-Sukorun
Truck Nox Sensor Nitrogen Oxide Sensor 22219283 5WK9 6717B for VOLVO-Sukorun
Truck Nox Sensor Nitrogen Oxide Sensor 22219283 5WK9 6717B for VOLVO-Sukorun